Jan 19, 2021
This week’s episode is all about bringing balance to your life and creating budget goals that last! Today we’re talking to Jesse Mecham, founder & CEO of You Need A Budget. Jesse’s company helps people learn how to budget their life and live freer without the stress we all feel from money. We’re talking about how important it is to have a budget plan so that you’re able to provide for the future you. Today we get real personal as we dive into money problems and learn how to save. Join us for this amazing and information packed episode!
What we’re talking about...
The Money Talk and why it’s so hard
You Need A Budget!
Budgeting for future you
Creating a plan that allows you enjoy life
Lining up your intentions and your money
The four rules of YNAB
Learning to spend money that is older
Preparing for surprises so they no longer exist
Being flexible so you can adapt your budget to your life
Why budgets are not something that need to be perfect