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Whiskey & Work Podcast

Nov 12, 2019

Planning and goal setting has made a shift from starting in January to December and even November and there’s good scientific reason and logic behind that evolution. Planning ahead allows you to be more productive, focus on your goals and break them down into micro-goals. Learn the importance of goal planning and whether you’re the type of person who should be planning ahead or not. 

Discover how to start utilizing January instead of using it to plan at the last minute.

What we’re talking about

  • Should You REALLY Be Planning Before January?
  • The Pro’s & Con’s Of Early Goal Setting & Planning (AKA: How Intentional Are You Living Your Life
  • Kelsey’s Top Tips For Planning (How, When, & Where To Start)

Should You REALLY Be Planning Before January? 

If you love planning and are excited to get a jump-start on it before the New Year, then you should definitely buy that new planner, focus on your business plan and get going. But, if you are someone who feels you’re already behind and the thought of planning brings on a sense of panic and feeling you are already behind, then starting to plan before January, probably isn’t for you. You should never plan out of panic.

The Pro’s & Con’s Of Early Goal Setting & Planning (AKA: How Intentional Are You Living Your Life?) 

When you make plans and goals, you allow yourself to live a life of intention and to be proactive. We all have plenty of time in the day, but it is how we schedule it and plan it that counts in order to reach our goals, whether it’s in our business, our marriage, or with our kids. Instead of living reactively to whatever is thrown your way, make goals and plan them out so that you aren’t simply living day-to-day and wondering where time has gone. 

Kelsey’s Top Tips For Planning (How, When, & Where To Start) 

If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to planning, there’s a visualization that will help you get to your #1 goal and then we can break it down into micro-goals. You can start with your morning routine and to create a trigger for yourself so that if you aren’t a morning person, you can have your coffee and clothes ready to go for you. By having a trigger ready to go, you can focus and choose the right goal and how to execute it. 

You have dreams and those dreams are important.


Kelsey’s Business Planner

Kelsey’s Morning Routine Planner