Mar 21, 2023
Kelsey reflects on her season of gratitude following the trials and tribulations of New Year's resolutions and the busyness of life. In this journey she shares a story about second-grade Kelsey who felt unconditional love and how she wants to give this to her kids, husband and clients.
What we’re talking about…
Mar 14, 2023
On this latest and greatest of Whiskey and Work Kelsey talks about making a pivot. She details her pivot from a corporate job she loved, but wasn’t fulfilled by, to starting her coaching business. Flash forward to present day and Kelsey shares about her exhaustion in this season of life, but reflects how she finds...
Mar 7, 2023
Kelsey opens up about the motivational rut she’s been in and how she’s working to get out of it with her “Better-Than-Nothing” plan. With two simple steps, Kelsey explains how this has recently re-sparked her enthusiasm for podcasting and the impact she is trying to create through it.
What we’re talking...