Aug 30, 2022
Kelsey shares insights from her own business when deciding to focus on 1:1 coaching versus digital courses. Her simple answer, both can be so important! She explains how she leveraged her 1:1 coaching services to create a platform for her digital courses, as well as shares her future plans in launching courses (spoiler:...
Aug 23, 2022
Kelsey starts from square one this episode: how to build a business from scratch. She tells her story of transitioning from the advertising world to the coaching arena and key lessons she learned along the way. Kelsey also shares the successes of her client Julie Artis and how she has navigated the...
Aug 16, 2022
This week Kelsey is joined by the infamous Amy Porterfield to talk all things digital courses. The two also dive into Amy’s recent move from San Diego to Nashville, building a team and creating a business that fits around your priorities. Sit back, relax and grab the notepad for this week’s latest and greatest from...
Aug 9, 2022
Alexandra Franzen joins Kelsey on this week’s latest and greatest episode of Whiskey and Work to talk about a life and business without social media. Alex shares her personal journey in choosing to leave social media and how she adjusted her business accordingly. The two discuss alternative ways to promote a business...
Aug 3, 2022
Alison Prince joins Kelsey this week to share her experience of starting and sustaining a business all while having four children — convenient timing as Kelsey is preparing to welcome baby number three! Alison started with sales herself and now teaches this skill to others, including her kids. You’re going to want a...